About Me

Hi. I’m Fadekemi, you can call me kemkem.

This is me, glowing in the holyghost…


Well, me with the help of a snapchat filter. 😊

Okay lets get serious.πŸ˜‚
Hi, I’m Fadekemi, you can call me kemkem.
I am first a child of God and a disciple of Christ before anything else. I am also a chartered accountant by the day and a multi-creative by the night.
When I’m not wearing my finance hat, I blog here and make videos for my youtube channel where I encourage, motivate and influence young people to build their relationship with God.
I am a writer, a speaker and a business woman who runs a merch store, the brag different gang.Β 
On all these platforms, my goal is to share my faith experiences and lessons learnt as I grow. I believe I am a part of God’s grand plan toΒ raise an army of 21st century believers who are not afraid to submit to him, obey his will, or shy to talk about him; An army who is not given to peer pressure and who are making disciples all around the world.

Please subscribe and come with me on this journey of self discovery and indepth knowledge in Christ and together we can be perfected as God would want.

Find me on:

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fadeke_

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fadeke_

Youtube:Β https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOSUGDoM_TKzRZ2nzSgNZkA/featured?view_as=subscriber

5 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hello Fadekemi, god bless you richly for you posts. I have some questions i would like an insight to and possible topics i would really like you to write on, please how can i contact you privately? Email maybe? My email address is in the email category below.

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